Thank you for blessing us with the opportunity to minister to your kids this week! We look forward to seeing them learn about Jesus and grow in their fellowship with other kids!


Welcome to Vacation Bible School at Village Meadows Baptist Church! Here is some information that will help you and your kids have a great experience this week.
If you have any questions during, feel free to reach out to our children’s director, or call our church office.

Church Cellphone: 520-366-7028
Emily Rodriguez (Preschool/ Children’s Director): 602-292-8619


 Parents & guests, please use our paved parking lot when dropping off and picking up children.

Registration, Check-in, and Pick-up Procedures

Registration and Check-in: Monday morning, all children must be registered and checked in at the tables in the worship center, even if they are pre-registered online. For the rest of the week all children can be dropped off  in our Family Life Center (FLC). 

Elementary Age Pick-Up : 1st through 6th grade classes will be dismissed at 12:15 pm. Please be prepared to present your ID. If we do not personally know you, then you will need to present a picture ID. Children must be picked up in their “Homeroom” classroom, designated on the campus map on the next page. For an easier pick-up process, we suggest taking a tour of the campus to locate your child’s homeroom before leaving Monday morning. Workers will be available at this time to assist you. 

Preschool age Pick-up: Children ages 4 to kindergarten will only be released through the preschool check in counter in the Worship Center (please refer to the Parent Map on the next page). Please be prepared to present your ID. If we do not personally know you, then you will need to present a picture ID.

*** For security and safety reasons, children will NOT be allowed to leave classrooms until an authorized adult or guardian arrives.

Early Pick-up Protocol: Please call the church’s cellphone at 520-366-7028 to request your child be brought to the Worship Center 3rd space for pick up. Please call ahead at least 15 minutes, this will give us time to locate your child since they are moving rotations every 20 minutes or so.
Late Drop-off Protocol: Between Tuesday-Friday, after 9:30 am, please take them to registration where they will be taken to their current rotation by a member of our volunteer team. Their teacher or teacher’s assistant will mark them as present once they join their class. 

Parent Pick-up Map

Snack information

We Serve a Snack each day. While we do not use peanuts in our snacks, there is still a possibility of cross contamination . If your child has other food allergies, please let us know when you register your child. Alternative snacks will be provided each day upon request to children with documented food allergies.
Day 1 Magnify God:
Bible Story: Jesus and the Children (John 1:1-3,12; Mark 10:13-16) Snack: Oreo and pretzel magnifying glasses Drink: Water
Day 2 Magnify God’s Care:
Bible Story: Story of Jesus Calmed the storm (Mark 4:1, 35-41) Snack: Jello Sea with orange boats Drink: Water
Day 3 Magnify God’s Love:
Bible Story: Story of the Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) Snack: Rice Krispie wells with sprinkles as water Drink: Water
Day 4 Magnify God’s Forgiveness:
Bible Story: Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:1-21; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15:6) Snack: Graham crackers with frosting M&M crosses Drink: Water
Day 5 Magnify God’s Faithfulness:
Bible Story: Jesus taught about worry (Matthew 6:25-34) Snack: Pepperoni and Cheese flowers Drink: Water
Alternative Snack for Allergies
Upon Request only
Bear Fruit Snack, Fruit, or Gold Fish

Recreation Information:

Clothing Requirements:
Flip-Flops are NOT allowed on any day because there are many physical activities planned during the day. Remember to have your child wear lots of sunscreen as they will have recreation time outdoors every day!  We would also love it if your children could bring their own water bottles, while they will have water in snacks and during water breaks, your child will be doing a lot of physical activities in the heat and will require as much hydration as they can get.

Water day is on Friday: Water activities will be done during recreation if the weather permits. 
Recommended clothing would be light-weight cotton summer wear that can get wet, dries quickly, and is not sheer. In addition, a swimsuit under their clothes & water shoes that can get wet and won’t be slippery on concrete will make their day lots of fun. PLEASE SEND A TOWEL with them to VBS ON FRIDAY.

Family Night:

FAMILY NIGHT is on FRIDAY at 6:00pm: We invite families to come back with all their family members (including aunts, uncles, and grandparents) on Friday night to watch the kids perform the songs they learned all week. Everyone is invited to attend. Children are asked to arrive by 5:45 pm. Refreshments will be served outside near the picnic tables following their performances. 

FAMILY PARENT GUIDE: This small guide will help you as a parent know what Bible story your child learned each day. It will give you some ideas for fun activities and family devotions along with the theme of the day. Included are fun games to play together. This will give your family opportunities to develop closeness as you spend time together.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the church cellphone at 520-366-7028 or contact our Preschool/Children’s Ministry Director,
Emily Rodriguez at 602-292-8619. You can also visit our church’s website at villagemeadowschurch.com.


PLEASE DO NOT take photos or videos of other peoples’ children during VBS related events. Although Arizona is a single party consent state, within our congregation we have many protected children whose safety depends on the privacy of their whereabouts. These children need to have NO presence on social media. Any photos we have taken of a child were taken with the consent of their legal guardian; these photos will be displayed on our Friday Family night and NEVER on our social media. We greatly appreciate your compliance with these guidelines, thank you.

More Information about VMBC

If you do not have a church home, please consider Village Meadows Baptist Church.
 Our service times are listed below.

Sunday Events and Service Times
10:30 am – Worship service
9:00 am- 10:00 am – Small Groups for every age
9:00 am- 10:00 am in the FLC – Youth Bible Study, ages 7th to 12th grade
9:00 am- 10:00 am in Building 400– Children’s Bible Study, ages 4 to 6th grade
9:00 am- 10:00 am in the Worship Center–Preschool Bible Study, ages 6 months to Kindergarten
10:30 am- 11:30 am in the Worship Center –Preschool Bible Study, ages 6 months to Kindergarten

    Wednesday Activities
6:00pm-7:30pm in Building 400– Club 1407 (Children’s Bible Study, ages 4 to 6th grade)
6:00pm-7:45pm in the FLC – ALIVE (Youth Bible Study, ages 7th to 12th grade)

Church Cellphone: 520-366-7028
Emily Rodriguez (Preschool/ Children’s Director): 602-292-8619
If you have need of a pastor, feel free to call the church office: 520-458-4500.